Non-Inclusion of Allied Peoples Movement (APM) Logo on Ballot Paper for FC/324/RV Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency

Non-Inclusion of Allied Peoples Movement (APM) Logo on Ballot Paper for FC/324/RV Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency

Wonne Afronelly, the candidate of the Allied Peoples Movement (APM) for the Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency in the 2023 general elections, has raised the alarm over the omission of her party’s logo from the ballot papers during the election held on Saturday, 25th February, 2023.

Non-Inclusion of Allied Peoples Movement (APM) Logo on Ballot Paper for FC/324/RV Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency
Non-Inclusion of Allied Peoples Movement (APM) Logo on Ballot Paper for FC/324/RV Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency

In a statement personally signed by her on Tuesday, Wonne alleged that “it was a deliberate disenfranchisement of our supporters.”

The statement read: “It has come to my attention that the logo of our party, the Allied Peoples Movement (APM), was omitted on the ballot paper for FC/324/RV Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency during the Federal House of Representatives election. This has caused a great deal of confusion and disenfranchisement amongst our supporters, who were unable to exercise their civic responsibility and vote for me due to this error.

“I hereby demand that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) immediately take action to rectify this error and include the APM logo on the ballot paper for our constituency. I also urge INEC to declare me as the rightful winner of the election held on Saturday, 25th February, 2023.

“Furthermore, I call for the cancellation of the Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency elections due to the widespread irregularities and errors. It is clear that the elections were not conducted in a free and fair manner, and we cannot accept the outcome as it stands.

“We want to assure our supporters that we will continue to fight for their rights and for justice to prevail. We will not rest until I am declared the rightful winner of the election and the will of the people is upheld.”

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