5 Underrated Apps For Meeting People [2020 Edition]

5 Underrated Apps For Meeting People [2020 Edition]
Online Dating. Image Source: https://hackernoon.com/

The Internet gives us so many opportunities and ways to facilitate meeting people in 2020. With such a huge range of online dating apps and websites out there, meeting people online has become the norm. For some, the major apps like Tinder, Bumble and Hinge just don’t cut it.

Rather than giving up on the idea entirely, I’m going to run through five great alternatives for you to try. You’ve probably heard of them all, but so few people think about using them for meeting new people.

Five underrated options you need to go check out

If you feel as though you’re struggling to meet people, don’t give up on the Internet just yet. COVID-19 has brought about a great demonstration of just how the Internet can be used to our advantage. 

Even an industry as old as religion has adapted to offer online Easter Mass services and digital gatherings during COVID. If churches can use the Internet so effectively, you know it’ll be a walk in the park for you!

Whether you’re looking to meet people for dating or just to expand your friend group, these apps can work nicely. Even the dating app in this list can be a great way to get to know other people.

I know when I moved to a new city a couple of years ago, dating apps are how I met a lot of new friends. A nice side benefit to an active dating life and what a way to explore new places!

By the end of this list, you’ll have some new options to go explore for yourself. From there, it’s a matter of putting yourself out there and putting these ideas into action. Scary, I know. 

If you don’t find any options on this list that really fit for you do a little searching and read other reviews for apps that have worked. A good place to start is the rankings of the best cougar dating apps that Beyond Ages puts together ever year, especially if you’re looking to meet older women. They also have several other rankings worth checking out.

1. Meetup

I’m not sure why this one is so underrated, honestly. The entire point of this website is to. . . meet up with people.

Users create groups and events on here and you can sign up and attend the ones that interest you. Since you can search by location and category, you’ll find a group for just about anything.

From speed dating to rock climbing, local wing nights to wellness sessions, it’s all on Meetup. It’s focused around bringing like-minded people together in one place, which means you immediately have common ground.

If you’re going to start with just one new app, make it this one.

2. Feeld

A less-known hookup app, it can be a great way to meet new people because it’s all about putting yourself out there.

Although it’s aimed at exploring sexuality in a more physical sense, just about anything goes. You can be completely vanilla and just use it like a regular dating app. Since the first part of any type of dating is meeting new people, you’re bound to find friends along the way too.

Don’t let this app intimidate you, it’s not all that different from Tinder, the user base is just more open, that’s all.

3. Skout

A lot of people use Skout as a dating app but that’s actually not the original intention. Think of it more like a social networking app than something to be used just for dating and hookups.

Download the app, set up a profile and state your intentions, it’s that simple. From there, the purpose is to meet new people who share similar interests. Apps like this are exactly what I love about the Internet.

Even if you’re planning to travel to a new place for a while, you can start to meet people there ahead of time. It can be a great way to really experience a new place with new, local friends rather than hanging out at the tourist traps.

4. Facebook groups

If you’re not a fan of Facebook, that’s totally fine. If you do use it though, Facebook Groups can be a great way to meet new people as well.

You can search for groups that interest you and become part of that community. To really get the most out of it, contribute with relevant posts and discussion often. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to go beyond your computer screen and actually attend their events.

As an example, I’m an avid hiker and try to get out about once per week to do it. One of the first things I did when I moved to a new city was find a couple of well-populated hiking groups here.

People regularly post info about upcoming hikes, closures, safety info and more. It’s also a great place to ask questions or get status updates on a route.

Every now and then, people will organize a group hike and it’s the perfect way to go meet in person. I know there’s also a common interest there and it’s something I enjoy doing. As a worst case scenario, I’m going to enjoy my hike and I’m getting some great exercise.

Whatever your interests, go ahead and see what groups are around in your city and put yourself out there. If you’re on the shy side, contribute to the group online for a while until you get to know some members a little better. That way you have a bit of a safety net for that first meet up. It’s a lot of fun!

5. Reddit

Last but not least, we have Reddit. Obviously this is more about making new friends than dating but it’s a website/app people often overlook.

If you’ve never used it before, Reddit is somewhat similar in style to old-fashioned forums. Users can create “subreddits,” which are sections dedicated to a particular topic. For example, you can join the “gaming” subreddit and see posts and discussion about gaming.

Although you might meet someone through general subreddits like this, it’s unlikely because they’re global. Where Reddit becomes helpful is in your local subreddits. If you live in Cleveland, for example, join the Cleveland subreddit.

You’ll see daily posts about things related to your city. Many city subreddits will have events posted every now and then as well and this is your opportunity to go say hi.

There are annual Reddit Global Meetup days, which are all about the people in these subs going somewhere to meet up. Keep an eye on the posts in here and don’t be afraid to ask questions or initiate a meetup yourself as well. 

If you want to start running but aren’t sure where, make a post saying exactly that and invite people to join you!

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