How to protect your mobile phone from virus

These days, people receive several online links that varies from downloading applications or upgrading them. But surprisingly, most of these links are not far from crashing the mobile phone if directed to the site.

How to protect your mobile phone from virus

Many phones have crashed and others have been formatted owing to these links.
According to a security firm, Combofix. Org there are steps one should follow to protect the mobile phone and these include: Mobile antivirus.

This can be downloaded as antivirus application directly in the smartphone

Branded mobiles

Make sure that a recognised brand, which come with IMEI number is purchased.

Scan your mobile

Once an antivirus application is downloaded in the phone, remember to scan the mobile often to search for any virus.

Turn off Bluetooth

Bluetooth is another way through which unknown applications or virus can make way into the phone , so when in unknown places, it is better to turn the Bluetooth function off.

How to protect your mobile phone from virus
The bright side for mobile users

The numbers of mobile malware and worms are constantly on the rise, as virus writers creates new ways of attacking software run by mobile phones. When on one side virus attacks on mobile is increasing at a fast pace, on the other side expanding field of mobile communications also offer opportunity of designing security in a proper manner. Other than installing mobile antivirus, one should follow some precautionary steps to make sure that mobile phone stay away from virus attack and when one surfs the internet from a phone, ensure that the contents are from reliable websites only.

Other points to remember to protect your mobile device: Some of the other points, one should keep in mind include avoiding downloading unknown software from internet.

It is also recommended to maintain a backup of contact lists. When accepting content and programs like videos, mobile themes and photos, verify the source, especially while downloading from the web.

In the case of bluetooth, put it in non-discoverable mode, and never accept data, which comes from unverifiable sources. One can also use password to protect devices, as this helps to prevent the use of data stored in phones.

Update virus database and stay away from malicious messages

Just like the computer , keep the virus database of the mobile antivirus updated all the time, so that it can be protected from new viruses, which can creep into it. Though viruses created for mobile phones are not very damaging, but the future is unpredictable, so users should be prepared for the worst attacks. Viruses can also spread through multimedia messages, so keep away from sharing such messages, as these can be malicious.

The Sun

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Amazing article,
Thank you for sharing such an amazing bunch of list. Its really give a knowledge for mobile antivirus.