Here is another poem off "James Ademuyiwa's'' Shelf. Read and enjoy.
In time
Back in time,
There was war in my village
A good war that gave us lives
One that united brothers afar
Back in time,
We were saved with vocal swords
Shielded by armor of unity
As we watch disparity die young
Back in time,
Sages would become poor
And get rich at heart for posterity
As they live by all men one right
Have You Seen Soul's Voyage?
Back in time,
Tears were meant for joy
Some for missing and wishing
For sorrowful tears had no name
Back in time,
Biafra sets in like morning
Went like elongated night
But then, we had a bad peace
Now, in this time,
What name is our peace?
Image credits: Gregnwoko
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